
brian suder definitions

The Suderpreneur

Definition: A Suderpreneur is an entrepreneur who finds specific niches that have a high barrier of entry. The suderpreneur must typically have a high level of aptitude in order to learn the niche. It tends to offer a solution no other products or service can and completely set apart from the rest.

This type of entrepreneur yields high returns because they monopolize in an industry for long periods of time. By the time other entrepreneurs are prepared to finally engage into this business niche, The Suderpreneur has already ventured into entirely new niches.

The Solopreneur

Definition: A solopreneur is any entrepreneur with a one-person business.

Solopreneurs go by many names – freelancers, independent contractors, and self-employed are some of the most common you’ll hear. While some solopreneurs hire other contractors to help, solopreneurs generally run their businesses based on supplying the kinds of services or products that one person can provide on their own. This is a popular business choice since it provides independence, solopreneurs can usually work from anywhere, and it requires lower startup costs than running a business that requires employees.


Definition: Valuepreneurs is any entrepreneur who offers a high level of value in complementing other business owners or fellow entrepreneurs.

Valuepreneurs may have a valuable skill set that separates their service from the rest.  They  may also  have access to a new form of technology which is not mainstream. This gives other business owners an edge hence added value.

The Infopreneur

Definition: An infopreneur is someone who bases their business on selling information products.

Infopreneurs sell things like courses and ebooks, rather than physical products or services. As with being a solopreneur (and many infopreneurs are also solopreneurs), infopreneurship is a popular choice for new entrepreneurs looking for a business model with low startup costs.


Definition: E-preneurs are entrepreneurs who have businesses based entirely online.

Also called online entrepreneurs, this category has a lot of overlap with the others on the list. It includes entrepreneurs that sell SaaS products, those that sell information products entirely online, and many solopreneurs that sell online services like social media consulting.  As more and more of our lives move online, there’s more opportunity for entrepreneurs to create online products people need that can be sold and bought from anywhere with an internet connection.


Definition: Techpreneurs is a new age entrepreneur who makes use of technology to come out with something new to make some innovation. A technopreneur operates business differently from any other businessman. The business of a technopreneur has high growth potential and high leverage of knowledge and intellectual property.


Definition: Mompreneurs are entrepreneurs that are also moms who run their business alongside childcare duties.

Mompreneurs usually start businesses in order to be able to stay home with their kids. They often market their products or services to other mothers, although that’s not always the case.

There’s a big overlap in this category with solopreneurs and e-preneurs.


Definition: A socialpreneur is an entrepreneur with a business model based on providing some kind of social good in the world.

If your goal in entrepreneurship is less about profit than changing the world for the better, then you’re probably a socialpreneur. Socialpreneurs make a point of selling products that are sustainably and humanely made and often provide a portion of their profits to a charitable cause. They usually highlight their social mission in their marketing and make it a key part of their positioning.


Definition: An ecopreneur is an entrepreneur who either builds a business based on providing eco-friendly products and services, or commits to running their business in a sustainable and environmentally friendly fashion.

Ecopreneurs are a subset of socialpreneurs but, in a culture that’s increasingly concerned about climate change and environmentalism, they’re a big enough category to include here as well. You’ll also hear ecopreneurs called green entrepreneurs or eco-entrepreneurs.

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